Thursday 7 December 2017

strategies for police interviews

Peace model

P- prep and planning
E- engage and explain
A- account and challenge
C- closure
E- evaluation

plan interview, e.g. timeline, objectives, list of facts that need to be verified

engage with witness, form rapport and explain purpose of interview to them

allow interviewee to give 1st account of event with no interruptions, using open questions

close down the interview properly and give all the necessary contact details

evaluate the interview, this is the most important part of the process

Forensic hypnosis

Hypnosis = artificially induced trance, like sleep, where you have heightened susceptibility to suggestions, it can help to quit smoking, managing pain or psychotherapy

Research has proved hypnosis puts witnesses in a suggestible state where they can be easily misled by interviewer

Dwyer found that police hypnotised a boy who's mother disappeared, the boy said he saw his father murder her and his dad was sentenced to life imprisonment, but months later the mother showed up unharmed

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