The study focuses on the social process of behaving aggressively as a child being linked to morals
Children learn through reinforcement and imitation of models
SLT= Social learning theory = behaviour being learned through reinforcement and imitation of models
Research suggests children imitate adult behaviour = evidence for influence from role models
To demonstrate learning can be done through observation, and that imitation can occur in the absence of a model
3 hypothesis=
1. children shown aggressive models = less aggressive behaviour than those shown non aggressive models
2. boys will show significantly more imitative aggression
3. kids will imitate same-sex models more than opposite sex models
Lab experiment, independent measures, matched participants
a child seeing aggressive or non aggressive adults
the sex of the model
the sex of the child
DVs= the amount of imitated behaviour and aggression shown by a child, measured through a 1-way mirror at 5 second intervals (time sampling)
72 children children aged 37-69 months from Stanford university nursery, matched through aggression levels, each child participated in only 1 condition = repeated measures
Phase 1- individuals taken into a room and allowed to play with potato prints while an aggressive model physically and verbally abused a Bobo doll (standardised behaviour), or while a non aggressive model ignored the bobo doll and played calmly, the control group of children didn't take part in phase 1
Phase 2- Kids were all taken individually into another room and subjected to aggression arousal by being allowed to play with attractive toys but then having the toys taken from them
Phase 3- Kids were taken individually into a 3rd room with aggressive and non aggressive toys, e.g. a bobo doll, a mallet. dart guns, tea set, cars and dolls
They were observed for 20 minutes in the following categories-
a- imitative aggression
b- partially imitative aggression
c- non-imitative physical and verbal aggression
d- non-aggressive behaviour
The kids in the aggressive conditions showed more imitated aggression as well as non imitated aggression
The non aggressive condition children showed very little aggression
The kids who saw the same sex model as them, imitated them way more, the boys imitated male models more than female and vice versa for the girls, however the girls imitated verbal aggression more than the boys did
Kids will imitate behaviours displayed by adult models even if the models are not present anymore
Kids can learn behaviour through observation and imitation
Behaviour from male adults has a greater influence on kid's behaviour
Both genders are more likely to learn highly masculine behaviour
Both genders were more likely to learn verbal aggression from a same sex adult
Validity- lab experiment so higher control and more reliable, but low ecological validity as it was not real violence
Data type- only quant. data gathered so it was easy to compare results, but we don't know what the kids were thinking during the study
Ethics- kids cannot give informed consent and they don't really know their rights to withdraw but there was little distress anyway
Reliability- controlled conditions, standardised procedures and prior aggression was controlled
Sample- large sample but not representative because it was only from one nursery