Sunday 26 November 2017

report writing

There are 8 parts to a psychology report.

Title - Concise, yet clear enough to give an idea of the investigator's ideas/concerns, shouldn't be more than 20 words. Must include the iv, dv and not be a question.

Abstract - This part is actually written last and it is a brief summary of the main points. It enables readers to know if the content of the report is of interest to them. It should contain the aim, the participants, the method, major findings and a main conclusion.

Intro - This explains the reasoning behind the hypothesis and investigation. It gives a review of the background material and is an outline of how this topic will be studied as well as stating the alternate hypothesis and giving a clear aim.

Method - This should be written in the past tense, and should include design, variables, participants, materials and the procedure in sufficient detail. 

Results - A clear summary of data collected and stat test results, a summary table, visual diagrams and a reference to the null hypothesis. 

Discussion - The results are interpreted and the meanings of them are discussed, limitations are acknowledged, suggest ways to improve study, suggest an idea for further research

Reference - Harvard referencing system is used. For books, it goes Author, year, title of work, location and publisher. For journal articles, it goes Author, Article title, issue number, and page numbers.

Appendices - raw data, calculations and standardised instructions.
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