Wednesday 29 November 2017

development of attachment

Attachment is an enduring emotional bond between 2 people

Critical period = important stage for animals and humans important for later functions

Proximity seeking = wanting to be close to them, they have separation anxiety distress when leaving them and they feel happiness when reuniting

Your 1st attachment is your most important

Attachment in humans

Bowlby studied the imprinting of geese, they imprinted on him

Social releasers = smiling, crying, suckling

Individual differences in humans

Type A attachment = insecure=anxious
Type b = secure
Type c = insecure-ambivalent
Type d= insecure-disorganised (may result in mental health issues)

Failure to form attachments

Affectionless psychopathy is the inability to feel guilt, empathy or affection for others

Developmental retardation = delayed or retarded intellect
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