Wednesday 29 November 2017

psychodynamic perspective

Psychodynamic = interaction of various conscious and unconscious mental/emotional processes influencing personality, behaviour and attitudes

Freud believed that were 3 levels of consciousness

1. Conscious = what we are aware of at any given time, e.g. what they're hearing, seeing and thinking

2. Preconscious = memories we can recall by choice, e.g. numbers, an address, product names

3. Unconscious = memories, desires and fears get repressed because otherwise they'd cause people extreme anxiety, but these factors still influence our behaviour without us realising

Freud said we have 2 instincts that are unconsciously in conflict, and one may be dominant over the other

1. Eros the life instinct = fulfils basic biological needs, e.g. the libido
2. Death instinct = urge for aggression and destruction, this causes war, violence and suicide

Unconscious components of personality

Id- innate, aggressive, sexual and obeys the pleasure principle

Ego- conscious, rational mind and works on the reality principle

Superego- Moral, includes ideas on how to behave and is usually learned from people close to us, is strongly influenced by early experiences and our relationships with our parents
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