Friday 24 November 2017

statistical tests

  • Mann-whitney U = test of difference, independent data, used for ordinal measurements and used with interval data or ratios converted to ordinal data

  • Wilcoxon signed rank = test of difference, for related data, ordinal measurements used with interval or ratio measurements converted to ordinal 

  • Chi-squared = test of association, independent data, nominal level, studies associations categories into rows/columns and compares frequencies

  • Binominal sign = test of difference for related data, nominal measurement, examines direction or difference between pairs of scores

  • Spearman's rho = test of correlation, for pairs of scores used for ordinal measurement, interval or ratio measurement converted to ordinal level
Type 1 error = rejecting a null hypothesis when it's true
Type 2 error = accepting a null hypothesis when it's not true

~ = approximate to
oc = proportional to 
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