Tuesday 28 November 2017

characteristics of mental disorders

Affective disorder, e.g. depression

Symptoms must be present for 2 consecutive weeks for a diagnosis to be valid

They include a depressed mood, sadness, emptiness for most or all of the day, everyday, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, weight loss or gain, insomnia, inability to relax, excessive lethargy, energy loss, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, loss of concentration, thoughts of death/suicide

It affects 1/5 of the population

Psychiatric disorder, e.g. schizophrenia

Symptoms must be present for 1 month at least to be valid

Positive symptoms = new behaviours

Negative symptoms = loss of normal functions

1/100 people dianosed

Symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, disorganised speech, catatonic behaviour and reduced emotion

Anxiety disorders, e.g. specific phobias

Phobic stimulus = immediate fear/anxiety and avoidance of the stimulus

Anxiety or fear is very disproportionate to real danger

Distress is persistent for 6 months and more

Causes significant distress and impairment of areas in functioning, e.g. social life or work or education

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